Singapore falls in World Press Freedom Index for fourth consecutive year -- Singapore has once again performed dismally in a global benchmark of press freedom, finishing 154th in the World Press…

8 years ago

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft Sign Hate Speech Agreement

FORTUNE -- Some of the biggest U.S. tech firms have signed up to a code of conduct formulated by the European Commission,…

8 years ago

It’s Bond, Jane Bond: Gillian Anderson to be next 007

The Guardian -- Gillian Anderson has hinted that she would accept the role as the first female Bond, tweeting out a…

8 years ago

Philadelphia has a hotline for undocumented immigrants who facing raids

The Washington Post -- Immigration has been a fixture of debate in the 2016 presidential campaign. The presidential candidates have…

8 years ago

Americans have no idea what Memorial Day is -- Memorial Day is about paying respect to those who fought and died while serving their country to protect…

8 years ago