
Warung Chinese Food Marak akibat UU Imigrasi yang rasialis!! Baca deh

Warung makan Chinese Food di AS, ternyata hasil kebijaksanaan imigrasi Pemerintah AS sejak lama. Restoran cepat saji memang terdapat di…

6 years ago

What do people in China think of Donald Trump

Brookings blog - China returns his love-hate attitude with a similarly mixed rhetoric. Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei called Donald…

8 years ago

Why Chinese Migrants Come to the US Through Mexico -- For years, the border separating the United States from Mexico has been the focal point for immigration debates in America—both…

8 years ago

California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico

LA Times -- The number of Chinese immigrants illegally crossing the Mexican border into California has skyrocketed in recent years,…

8 years ago