Sejumlah negara Teluk dukung kebijaksanaan imigrasi Presiden Donald Trump

Sejumlah pemerintahan monarki dan negara kaya raya di kawasan Teluk tidak ikut mengecam perintah eksekutif Presiden Donald Trump yang melarang…

7 years ago

Berita bohong tentang ”Check Point Imigrasi di Miami, Florida” beredar di medsos

Sebuah berita bohong beredar di media sosial hingga membuat banyak imigran resah. Berita itu menyebutkan US Immigration and Customs Enforcement,…

7 years ago

The story of Ash Koosha, now banned from the USA

The Iranian sound sculptor fled his country after being jailed for putting on an illegal show. Having lived in the…

7 years ago

Slovenia’s tourism is booming thanks in part to Melania Trump

The tiny European nation of Slovenia is undergoing a tourism boom partly because it is the native country of U.S.…

7 years ago

John Lennon and Yoko Ono romance heading to the big screen

The relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono will be the basis of a new film from the writer of The Theory…

7 years ago