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About The Book

 Multiple people from all different background.

From all over america.

Professional writer.

Priceless Experience.


Tied Selection.

How This Book Was Born
I am very happy to present “Why I am Proud To Be An Indonesian : An Anthology,” a collection of eight winning stories of a writing competition with the same title. This book tells the stories of eight writers who have been living in the US for some time and how their love and pride of Indonesia has grown since they moved here from their hometown.

Why This Book Was Born
The writers in this book vary in age, education and professional status. They relocated to America for various reasons. In spite of their diversity, all these writers share their love and pride of being Indonesians. They represent a rainbow of Indonesian diaspora in the US.

Who we are
The writers in this book vary in age, education and professional status. They relocated to America for various reasons. In spite of their diversity, all these writers share their love and pride of being Indonesians. They represent a rainbow of Indonesian diaspora in the US.


“Very amazing book, I was amaze by the stories. The stroy is very original, from deep inside young people of Indonesian”
Life changing story from the young immigrant from Indonesia. They who sacrifice everything and just go to America
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