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“Investing in Remarkable Indonesia: Simpler, Faster, Transparent”

“Investing in Remarkable Indonesia: Simpler, Faster, Transparent”

Presentations led by Franky Sibarani, Chairman of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). Topics include: current investment policies, application procedures, sectors open, choosing partners.  Sibarani’s visit in the US is managed by the Indonesian Investment Promotion Center based in NY, BKPM’s representative office in the US.

logoJune 24 9:00-11:00 am Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason Street, San Francisco

June 28 10:00-12:00pm Renaisaance Hotel, Seattle

June 29 10:00-11:00 am Hyatt Regency, 151 Wacker, Chicago

July 1     10:00-11:00 am Cornell Club of NY, 6 East 44th Street, New York City

If you are interested to attend any of the above programs, please send an email to:

Arita Soenaryono at




Presidential Decree Changes Negative List

President Widodo signed the new presidential decree last week easing restrictions on a range of enterprises including tourism businesses, transportation companies and film studios and theatres. Announced yesterday, restrictions on ownership of businesses in the retail and port services sectors were scaled back, although the regulations introduced stricter controls on telecommunications towers and on e-commerce.

The new regulation also eased the foreign ownership cap for maritime cargo handling at ports, several specific airport services and telecommunication services, as well as internet provision, to 67 percent versus the previous 49 percent limit. In addition to the changes already announced, the new regulations allow foreigners to own 67 percent of department stores with sales floor area of 400 square meters to 2,000 square meters, as long as they are located in a mall, whereas previously they could only invest in a department store with a sales floor larger than 2,000 square meters. Film studios were previously capped at 49% foreign equity are now open for 100% foreign ownership.

Kepala Badan Kordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Franky Sibarani memberikan paparan hasil kunjungan kerja kepada wartawan di gedung BKPM Jakarta, Senin (15/6). Franky Sibarani mengatakan hasil dari kunjungan 8 proyek investasi hasil sampling dari 100 proyek investasi, geliat investasi tetap terjadi ditengah kondisi ekonomi yang sedang slow down./pho KONTAN/Carolus Agus Waluyo/15/06/2015.

As was announced in February, the restaurant business, film industry, cold storage, waste management and pharmaceutical raw materials sectors were among those opened up completely to foreign ownership. But, the new regulation set a 49 percent foreign ownership cap on small e-commerce businesses, overturning the government’s earlier statement that it will open up the sector 100 percent. It also bans foreigners from owning a business in telecommunications tower services and management.  (Source: Reuters)


Mr. Sibarani and his team also welcome private discussions with companies on the details involved with the new policies. (Contact person: Arita Soenaryono email:

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