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Dominican newspaper published photo of Alec Baldwin instead President Trump – Sometimes it’s not easy separating life from art.The Dominican newspaper El Nacional learned that the hard way on Friday, after it accidentally published a photo of Alec Baldwin instead of President Donald Trump. Baldwin has made headlines for his spot-on impression of the former reality star.  But it was a mistake.


The paper on Saturday issued a clarification on its website:

“El Nacional published on Friday as Donald Trump a picture of actor Alec Baldwin, who imitates on a television program the president of the United States,” the publication wrote. “The picture was sent that day by Associated Press (AP) with the name of the actor and reported on the program, but was placed as if it were Trump’s, a situation that went unnoticed for all who reviewed page 19.

El Nacional apologizes to the readers and to all those who felt affected by the publication. Actor Baldwin imitates President Trump on the Saturday Night Live weekly show on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), one of the most important in the United States.”

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