Indah Nuritasari, CEO/Chief Editor of the Indonesian Lantern, recently interviewed Natalia Yaya Pascale, owner of the fashion design business, Natalia Yaya Designs. The business has grown to become quite popular in the United States, despite being founded in South Jakarta, Indonesia. Described in the interview, Natalia provides insight into her personal journey to growing her business and gives advice to any other aspiring designers looking to pursue their passion.
Q. What sparked your interest in fashion?
A. I love to dress people to become attractive by using my designs. I like to give ethnic details in my fashion, and that’s why I put batik on my trademark.
Q. Why did you decide to become a fashion designer.
A. By being a designer, I can channel my desire in fashion, I like to explore something new to make my designs better and look excellent.
A. By being a designer, I can channel my desire in fashion, I like to explore something new to make my designs better and look excellent.
Q. What made you take fashion more seriously and make a career out of it.
A. Fashion is my hobby, I’m hungry for actualizing myself.
A. Fashion is my hobby, I’m hungry for actualizing myself.
Q. Are you self-taught or did you study fashion design?
A. My mother taught me how to do things in fashion. After that, I am self-taught in this field. So in general, I learned by myself how to grow my talent. I went to a course teaching design for a short time, just to get more experience/knowledge in the field.
Q. Who was your teacher/mentor?
A. My mom was the best teacher for me in fashion. From her, I learned by working in her fashion business since I was a kid. Because she had a bridal dress business opened in 1957 in East Jakarta. Also, my husband and my daughters are my biggest motivators.
Q. What advice do you give young designers?
A. In order to be successful in a field, you have to invest your time and attention in the field. And you have to love your job and hobby.
Q. Where do you look for creative inspiration?
A. I get so much inspiration from my contemplation. I get inspiration for fashion from my surrounding, so all of my works relate to my daily life and experience.
Q. Is it hard to stay innovative?
A. I can maintain my motivation because I invest my life and my soul in this field.
Q. How has your multicultural life influenced your career?
A. My background influences my work, since I grew up in Indonesia, I experience lived in Singapore and Malaysia and later moved to the US. My works incorporate the two dreams, between East and West.
Q. Are there any types of clothing that you avoid wearing?
A. I avoid producing revealing clothes since it’s not my passion. I like people to dress modestly and elegantly.
Q. How is your work received in the US?
A. So far, people in the US have accepted my work. It can be seen from the number of the fashion shows that is increasing.
Q. How many fashion shows do you perform a year?
A. For the year 2022, there will be 10 fashion shows of NataliaYaya Designs in total until October 2022.
Q. Which cities have you done your fashion shows in?
A. California ( Los Angeles, Hollywood, Brea, San Diego) New York City, and Gold Canyon Arizona.
Q. Where do you make your creations? Do you have staff in the US, or is all of your staff in Indonesia?
A. I make my creations in the US and Indonesia. In the US I do it by myself. But for the Fashion Shows, I get support from the Indonesian Communities Friends from different states. These include:
– Mak Mak Gaul California, under Mrs Meutia Daud Tenenbaum.
– Karaeng Management California, under Mr Ondonk Sahrul Malik.
– Indonesia Communities Arizona
– Other friends from Indonesian communities in different states.
And yes, all my staff in Indonesia include sewers, batik makers, and bead workers. They are all working under the supervision of my personal assistants who include my oldest daughter Hizkie Yohana Roeroe and my son-in-law, Jendry Albert. For inquiries, you can contact directly Natalia Yaya Designs through Facebook or contact the number and email attached in the website
Q. How much is the range of the price? How can people order from you?
A. The range of the price starts from $100 and increases from there, depending on the designs and any other additional requests by the clients.

Q. Which colors do you prefer to make your batiks with. Also, where is the batik from?
A. I usually use bright colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, orange, etc. I design my batik creations with my batik craftsman in Madura, East Java, Indonesia.
Q. What is the biggest lesson that you have learned since you started your business?
A. Building a business and career in this field is not easy. I have to keep believing in my dream that someday it will come true. By doing hard work, everything will be fine.
Q. What is your motto in life and in design?
A. My life motto; Don’t use other people’s work to become famous. But let the results of our work hard, make people know who we are.
Q. My advice to young designers;
A. Don’t be afraid to fail, keep continuing to pursue your passion.
Q. Natalia Yaya Designs’ motto;
A.” Natalia Yaya Designs will make you unforgettable.”
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