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Former beauty pageant contestant graduated from police school first in her class

Hongkong Coconut – Apparently, some Hongkongers are having difficulty reconciling their preconceptions of beauty, womanhood and what police officers should look like. On Saturday, Lam Tsz-kwan, a former contestant from the 2009 Miss Asia beauty pageant, graduated from the Hong Kong Police College along with 33 other police trainees and 239 students.


Lam, 25, was awarded the prestigious Silver Whistle award for coming first in her class in a ceremony that included appearances by a representative from the Hong Kong Garrison of the People’s Liberation Army.

The Silver Whistle Award is awarded based on recruits’ performances in marching, shooting, physical training, and police trainings. In addition, recommendations from a police-training instructor and from a senior officer are required, with a final interview taking place in the final round.

Last week, the Hong Kong Police Force uploaded a video featuring Lam along with fellow award winner Li Tsz-ki, who both talked about their police school experiences.

In the video, Lam said: “A burning flame that yearns for integrity is present within each and every one of our hearts.”

Speaking of her most memorable moments in police school, Lam recalls how she had to go to marches and training sessions no matter how hot or freezing the weather was. She also spoke about the challenges of keeping up with her classmates, finding that her past education had not equipped her well enough.

A former TV personality, Lam told Passion Times that she quit her job at ATV because she didn’t agree with the company management’s narrow views, which she described as “brainwashing”.

Now, Lam hopes to give back to Hong Kong society by serving in the police force and “putting what she’s learned into practice”. She told Apple Daily that she will be working on the front line very soon.

With her graduation attracting a lot of public attention, netizens wondered publicly about her sexuality, because everyone is nosy AF online.

When an Apple Daily reporter prodded her about her sexual orientation, Lam very politely told them to STFU and mind their own business: “I do not owe you any explanation as I am no longer a front stage artist; nor am I obliged to answer too many of your questions. Thanks again. Bye bye!”

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