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Ivanka Trump Posts Cute Video of Baby Theodore Crawling in the White House

Ivanka Trump just shared an adorable video of her youngest child, straight from the White House. The mom-of-three had a proud moment when baby Theodore crawled for the very first time. The eldest daughter of President Trump has moved her family to Washington, D.C., from New York City. They bought a house in the luxe neighborhood of Kalorama, in northwest Washington.


Her husband, Jared Kushner, serves as senior advisor to the president. Meanwhile, Ivanka took a formal leave of absence from the Trump Organization and her brand. In a recent Facebook post, Ivanka said, “I plan to take time to settle our three young children into their new home and schools.”

And they seemed to be settling just fine. Ivanka also shared a snap of baby Theodore smiling at bedtime, with a caption that said “Goodnight!” Ivanka and Jared also have a 5-year-old daughter, Arabella, and a 3-year-old son, Joseph. (Yahoo celebrity)


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